If you get stuck on any question, contact us and make sure to state your ‘Pg ID’ number, as above.

Select the Option that Applies to Your Drone:

Please ensure you read the guidance information at the bottom of the page to help you answer this question, as the accuracy of your answers will determine the accuracy of your results.

Guidance Information:

Look for the relevant label on your drone, it should be clearly depicted. The labels for the different classes are as follows:

If you cannot find any of these labels, then ‘N/A’ is your answer.

Don’t’ have a drone yet? Or you haven’t started flying drones yet? Don’t worry, it’s free to complete as many times as you need. Just answer all questions in relation to the drone you intend on buying and how you plan to operate drones. Your personalised guidance will explain your results, so if you fall into a high-risk category because of the drone you’ve selected or because of the way in which you plan to fly it, you can adjust your plans accordingly and then complete this survey again to receive your updated results. Equally, bear in mind that if your choice of drone changes and/or if your intended drone operations change, then your results may no longer be accurate – therefore, you will need to complete the survey again to reflect your changes in drone and/or drone operations.